Frequently Asked Questions for Volunteering

If you have some questions about volunteering with us please have a look at the frequently asked questions below. If your question isn’t covered please call us on 0114 276 6148. Alternatively, you can fill out our question form below or e-mail and we will get back to you.

Please click on one of the questions below to read the answer.

Our Group Travel service needs volunteer drivers who drive our minibuses for a wide range of groups whose members need assistance with transport to participate in their activities.  We also need volunteers who drive their own cars to offer lifts to people who are unable to use mainstream public transport.  Finally we need volunteer passenger assistants who can travel with passengers who need extra assistance to be able to travel on our vehicles.

There is no such thing as the ‘ideal volunteer’.  Everyone brings their own motivation, skills, experience and personality into their voluntary work.  However, there are some qualities which we feel our volunteers need.  These include being:

  • Patient and sensitive to the needs of others
  • Honest and trustworthy
  • Reliable and punctual
  • Tolerant, non-judgemental and able to respect confidential information; and,
  • Able to work on your own initiative and as part of a team.

We reimburse our volunteers for expenses incurred.  These include travel expenses and a refreshment and meal allowance for Group Travel drivers and a mileage allowance for volunteers on the Community Car Scheme.

If you currently claiming benefits you will need to inform the relevant benefits agency of of your intention to start volunteering and they will advise you.  If you are on Job Seekers Allowance you must still actively seek paid employment, and be available to take an offer of paid employment at short notice.  It is important to inform the benefits agency that any expenses you receive are out of pocket expenses and that your work with Sheffield Community Transport is unpaid, rather than paid voluntary work.

Yes, we encourage our volunteers to come along to our regular volunteer meetings.  These meetings tend to focus on a theme, or a speaker on a subject of interest to volunteers, after which we may retire to the pub!

Many of the passengers that we assist are from vulnerable groups in society (e.g older people, people with disabilities and children).  It is our policy therefore, to ask our volunteers to provide two character references.  Refereers must be over 21 years old, have known you for at least two years and should not be a close relative.  We also ask for declarations of previous convictions.  Previous convictions would not necessarily exclude you from volunteering but we would need to discuss suitable roles with you.